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Episode 7: Silent Night, Sexy Night, Part 1

It’s a very special Christmas Episode of Peter McNeil, PI! Peter McNeil is hired by a young…

Episode 6: Cheater? I Hardly Know Her, Part 2

Peter McNeil is hired to find out if a wife is being unfaithful to her husband. It’s…

Episode 6: Credits

Voices: Carl Case AnnouncerKid Aaron Bell Peter McNeil Adam Wolfer Tom Christopher Stawisky Store Clerk Sara Obertino…

Episode 6: Cheater? I Hardly Know Her, Part 1

Peter McNeil is hired to find out if a wife is being unfaithful to her husband. It’s…

Episode 3: Credits

Voices: Carl Case AnnouncerBillyTanner Aaron Bell Peter McNeil Rosario Chambers Susie Cody Bliss Billy’s fatherBartender Anthony Contreras…

Episode 5: Recipe for Danger, Part 2

A secret recipe has been stolen and McNeil has been hired to steal it back. After confronting…

Episode 5: Recipe for Danger, Part 1

Peter McNeil is hired to steal back an old family recipe. Sounds easy enough. This case should…

Episode 2: Credits

Cast: Carl Case Announcer Aaron Bell Peter McNeil Brandy Nemeth-Shorten Molly Luke Griffin Bottomless Pete Anthony Contreras…

Episode 1: Credits

Cast: Michael Perry: Announcer Aaron Bell: Peter McNeil Lourdes Bell: Andrea Anthony Contreras: Nerco Phil Frank Stein…

Episode 4: The Stench of Corruption, Part 2

Peter McNeil, PI has been hired by some suits in fancy suits to get the dirt on…